Meet the Hosts


Whitetail Frenzy host Kenny Davis was born in Cabin Creek, WV. After a successful football career at West Virginia State University and graduating with a degree in Criminal Justice, he went on to play a few years of professional and semi-professional football, even winning a couple national championships with the West Virginia Lightning. After leaving the gridiron, Kenny was able to devote more time to a lifelong passion of outdoor videography and bow hunting. He loves to travel across North America chasing big game with his Elite bow, but has made a name for himself as being one of the first and only people to consistently harvest mature whitetails on film in the Appalachian Mountains.




Aharon was raised in the southern coal fields of West Virginia and was introduced to hunting at an early age. Growing up in the coal fields hunting was not just a hobby, it was a way of life. Now as an adult he lives and breathes the outdoors. As he passes this tradition down to his children the happiness is immeasurable.